A Palace to Remember

A Palace to Remember

The Doge’s Palace is an impressive historic building with a humongous set of brick and marble walls. It is located in St. Mark’s Square next to the Basilica San Marco. The Great Hall has intricate multi-colored mosaic ceilings and  shiny gold accents. Many of the paintings 

The Classy Glassy Adventure

The Classy Glassy Adventure

Murano is a totally awesome island in Italy. It is home to the famous Venetian glassblowing; I got to see a cup and a horse being made. I also got to try glassblowing myself. At first I was nervous because I did not think that 

A Very Unique Style of Glass Blowing

A Very Unique Style of Glass Blowing

I think Vittorio Costantini is the best glass blower in all of Venice (he is better than all of the glass blowers in Murano combined)! He makes birds, bugs, and fish using a blowtorch on the main island of Venice. The blowtorch is so hot 

The Boats of Venice

The Boats of Venice

Venice has boats instead of cars, so I decided to write a post about it. I got to ride on a ton of boats in Venice. The water taxi is the most expensive, the fastest, and the coolest boat in Venice (but the other boats were 

A Whole Lot’O Gelato

A Whole Lot’O Gelato

I ate at a ton of gelato cafes during my trip, but here are my top five. Europe’s gelato is the best I’ve ever had! Even though Italy is famous for it, Slovenia’s gelato is awesome too. Because I am about to move on to