The “Swift” History of Samobor

The “Swift” History of Samobor

Our last, and I think most special, day trip from Zagreb was to Samobor. The first thing that we saw when we got there was a building with a swift’s nest built into nearly every eve of the building. The scene was crazy, a seemingly 

Castles, Cannons, and Old Rusty Stoves

Castles, Cannons, and Old Rusty Stoves

The first day trip that we went on from Zagreb was to Trakošćan Castle. Trakošćan was huge, very beautiful, and had lots of cool features and ancient artifacts. The coolest feature was the monstrous turrets, which were very well preserved (not to mention how well preserved the castle 

Zipping Through Zagreb

Zipping Through Zagreb

Zagreb, the largest city in Croatia, just happened to be the start of my vacation. This beautiful city also happens to be the capital of Croatia. The town is split in half by a hill and connected by a funicular and a tunnel system. The