These Walls Contain Fun and Flavor

The walled city of Dubrovnik is a must-visit for travelers going to Croatia. The walls around the city are huge (6,365 feet long by 83 feet high) and were built in the 13th century! Dubrovnik is entirely enclosed by these huge stone walls. You can walk along the entire length of the walls because it is so intact. There were (and still are) tons of small forts and towers to attack from if the city was invaded. From one tower, you can see the entire city spread out below you and the sea beyond. You can tell which roofs were damaged in the war (brownish and yellowish = old roofs and red = new roofs). Because it is such a popular travel destination, walk the walls early. Instead of getting the worm, the early bird gets the sights and the best temperatures (which in my opinion is better than getting a worm… worms are too slimy for me). Because most of the tourists are from cruise ships, they have to wait for the tender boats, allowing you to get a head start on the crowd. These walls are probably the most well known and spectacular part of Dubrovnik.

Dubrovnik was probably the food capital of the trip, and in my opinion is also a food capital of all of Europe and maybe even the world (in my opinion, it definitely is). It is a place of many sights and even more flavors. The cevapi was so good that I almost expanded like a blimp by eating too much of it. Cevapi is a traditional Bosnian meat and pita dish that is super juicy that I had one night at dinner at Taj Mahal (in the Old Town of Dubrovnik). Though completely different, the fish is just as good as the meat in Dubrovnik. The seafood at Forty-Four (though it was expensive) was just as scrumptious as the Cevapi, and I learned a seafood trick there that continues to make an impact on how much I love whole fish today. Spoiler alert: the cheek meat of a whole fish is the best part! I also had lobster tail another night, but I like Forty-Four a lot better. By far, the most awkward meal was at Lady Pi-Pi where we had to eat under handheld bright green umbrellas when it starting raining. Lady Pi-Pi had a canopy of grapevines instead of a roof so you can’t blame it for leaking on our heads.

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